One Million Moms Wants Playtex Pulled


Feminine hygiene product-maker Playtex's involvement with the transgender themed docu-series "Becoming Us" has One Million Moms seeing red. The media watchdog arm of the hate group American Family Association is demanding they pull the plug on sponsoring the newly launched ABC Family Channel program immediately.

The reality program "Becoming Us" is about a son's journey as he struggles with his parents' divorce and his father's transition to living as a woman. The boy's girlfriend also happens to have a father who is transgender and transforming into a woman. It airs Monday evenings at 10 p.m.

"This show is extremely graphic and includes mature content such as transgenderism, details about gender reassignment surgery, and foul language," says OMM director Monica Cole. "In recent episodes, one of the teen's friends admits to being trans and never told anyone before except for family members. Another segment during the program includes a young unmarried couple discussing their sex life and how good it is. Other topics include how courageous and brave transgender people are for becoming who they really are supposed to be."

Cole further states that "the show is attempting to normalize the transgender lifestyle and make it appear OK while targeting the young audience watching a supposedly family channel. Many families have already discovered that ABC Family is anything but family-friendly. But because "family" is part of the network's name, we thought a warning should still be sent out for anyone who continues to watch it."

One Million Moms has also targeted Cricket Wireless, Kentucky Fried Chicken and Excedrin for sponsoring "Becoming Us."


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