The ABCs of IVF

Nov 27, 2024

Did SNL ISIS Parody Go Too Far?


Is it too soon to parody ISIS?

Saturday Night Live didn't think so. On Saturday's broadcast host Dakota Johnson (the rising star from "Fifty Shades of Grey") starred in a parody of the Toyota Superbowl commercial that featured a dad dropping her daughter to join the Army. Except in this version, it wasn't the Army, it was ISIS.

"Dad, it's just ISIS," she says as she leaves to jump on a jeep with bearded men holding machine guns. AS they drive off, one of them assures the father he'll take care of his daughter, then shouts "Death to America!" The parody ends with a shot of the wet-eyed Dad (played by Taran Killam) with the words "ISIS, We'll take it from here, Dad."

The skit was prompted by recent reports of teenage girls in Britain and Canada heading to the Middle East to join the terrorist group.

The outrage was immediate. Buzzfeed published a number of Twitter comments on the skit:

"Just saw maybe the most unfunny #SNL piece of all time. Is ISIS really a good subject for humor? #nbc And I've loved SNL for decades," tweeted Ed Tate @edwardtate from Pennsylvania.

A tweet by Raine LaChance @rainelachance called it depraved: "Can't be serious. Isis skit? Like going to college? When so many people are being kidnapped and killed? Depraved. #SNL"

And one by Kathy Murphy @katmur23 said it was depraved:

"Just when you think its safe to go into water, #SNL spoofs #ISIS. Producers channeling #JeSuisCharlie? Vile. #nbc #DakotaJohnson

Lis411 @Lis411 offered this advice: "#SNL needs to stop the ISIS skits. They aren't funny, very poor taste."

Buzzfeed found one viewer that didn't find it offensive:

Conservative columnist Eric Bolling @ericbolling tweeted:

"SNL ISIS commercial 'We'll take it from here Dad' ... hilarious"

Watch the parody below:

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