Mind Body & Soul :: Your Adrenal Glands

Kevin Mark Kline READ TIME: 2 MIN.

Your adrenal glands are each about the size of a cherry and lie just above your kidneys.They control and regulate many hormones - testosterone, progesterone, aldosterone, cortisol and adrenaline are among the main ones. (Aldosterone maintains the correct level of fluids in your kidneys by regulating potassium and sodium).

Doctors rarely identify sub-acute adrenal issues, until they are full-blown diseases like Addison's (too little cortisol) or Cushing's (too much cortisol).

Adrenal glands control your energy and help you to cope with stress. Too much stress leads to over-production of cell-damaging free radicals, and by creating too much cortisol leads to muscle and bone atrophy, poor digestion, slower healing, destruction of T-cells, and all other hormone and brain chemistry get out of balance. Your body runs down, and signs of this can be seen in problems with skin, hair and nails which may be a clue to hormone disruption.


- Addiction to energy drinks or stimulants

- Insufficient sleep

- Long-term cortico-steroid use

- Excessive cardiovascular exercise

- Skipping meals

- Emotional upsets

To improve your adrenal function:

- Avoid excessive amounts of alcohol, caffeine, soda (even diet soda) and fruit juice.

- Avoid strict dieting for long periods

- Avoid junk food

- Don't skip breakfast

- Make sure that each meal includes goo fats, fibrous carbs and especially protein

- Eat regularly and take time for food (don't eat on the run)

- Consume lots of green veggies and salad

When it comes to reducing stress in our lives, a dog might be our best teacher when it comes to inspiring us to lead a more satisfying and stress-free life. They don't just love, but love unconditionally, in a way that is less common among humans. When someone disappoints you, or upsets you, try to resist the temptation to get bent about it. Express your love for other human beings by caring about them. If someone was rude or inconsiderate, maybe they are dealing with bad issues at home and need sympathy and understanding. No matter what you do to your dog he is your pal forever, even if you pet other dogs or yell at him - he may back off for a short while, but in a few minutes he forgives completely. Try doing this with your friends and contacts - never bear grudges because they harm you more than the person that upset you.

Your dog is always there to help you and do your bidding - he doesn't resent fetching things for you or maybe guarding you against danger - it's part of his makeup. Try to be a giver - what goes around comes around and your kindness will be repaid. Of course we can't all emulate Mother Teresa, but any little movement towards being a kinder gentler person will benefit us most of all by lowering stress levels and keeping our adrenal glands humming along nicely.

by Kevin Mark Kline , Director of Promotions

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