Kelli :: NYC Prep's Pop Princess Remixed!

JC Alvarez READ TIME: 7 MIN.

Summer has been filled with some of the most spectacular parties of the season. It would be of significant importance to note that thanks to some of the more innovative DJs on the scene, the club floor was throbbing with hot dance beats that reinvigorated music and even put some dance hits at the top of the charts.

Among those notable talents that are turning their remix skills into bank at the jukebox are David Guetta. The French super-producer's new album Nothing But the Beat delivers on some of the most unexpected vocal collaborations on a kinetically-charged dance record. With artists appearances from rap hit-makers Flo Rida, Snoop Dogg, and Niki Minaj. Guetta's Beat is a veritable m�lange of the best in r&b and hip-hop, with nods to pop with will.i.iam in the mix as well as Jennifer Hudson and the UK's Jessie J.

Our very own legendary Tony Moran [yes...we circuit-followers lay claim to the T-Man] released his own original remix set on his new album Mix Magic Music and again proved that he is always itching to redefine the genre. Moran excels at the unexpected. From his early days in freestyle to his contemporary big room beats, he's always one step ahead of the market. He's also not at an end for offers to collaborate with artist looking for his magic touch, and among those lucky enough to grab his attention, new artist Kelli delivered the hit summer single "Gave Up On Love" and one of Moran's best remixes to date.

Prepped for Success...

Obvious talent aside, It's easy to be skeptical of Kelli's intentions in pursuit of celebrity; pardon my cynicism but in today's celebrity-for-the-sake-of-celebrity ladened world of reality TV, one must take pause and wonder. Kelli Tomashoff first grabbed the public's attention appearing as a cast member of the Bravo reality television series NYC Prep which loosely capitalized on the success of the scripted CW television drama Gossip Girl.

The premise of NYC Prep was to follow a group of overly privileged teens who network about Manhattan's high society and are the "elite" of the high school set. They shop, they splurge, they cut curfew and are sometimes celebrated for their bad behavior. Kelli always managed to appear the exception among her cast mates.

It wasn't until Tony legitimized Kelli's skillful prowess -- "She's the real deal," he said about the young singer. "It was just totally fun working [on the remix] especially with her vocal performance." -- that the perception of this aspiring new sensation dutifully merited swift attention. And now that Kelli...simply "Kelli"...has got our attention she's preparing to never let go.

"It's an amazing complement," Kelli says, "to have had Tony Moran -- he's worked with so many artists I respect, like Janet Jackson -- to have him remix my means a lot." Genuinely smitten the fashion-flowing teenager (yes...even for a casual sit down interview Kelli delivered with her pop-star couture) is positively grateful to have kicked off her career with the likes of Moran in her corner.

"I've been performing the remix Tony and Warren Rigg did of the song." Since launching the single, Kelli has hit the promotional circuit and has performed "Gave Up On Love" at venues all over the city rapidly gaining fans. "It just has the right energy."

Eye on the Prize

It is evidently clear though that Kelli has envisioned herself on this course in music even before reality television celebrity dawned on her. "I've always wanted to sing," Kelli says. "I did the show because I knew it would give me a platform. A nationally televised show where I could sing? Yeah...of course I'll do that!"

From the minute she signed up for NYC Prep Kelli already had her eyes on a very different prize and fully aware this would be an opportunity to gain some exposure. In today's reality-television dominated culture, it seemed as good a place as any to launch her pop-music career. She quickly turned her attention to creating a hit song.

"We started the song from scratch." Michael Grant co-wrote and produced the song with Kelli. They retreated into his studio and for 3 days dedicated themselves completely to collaborating on the debut single. "We played it for people, and decided some things needed to change." The duo went back to work retooling the melody...and then it happened.

"It was one of those things," Kelli remembers. They had ordered some pizza. "Sometimes it just helps to load up on 35,000 calories...and cinna-stix," she joked. "When suddenly it clicked!" While working in Grant's basement studio, she had threw out the line "gave up on love" -- it immediately resonated with them both. "The Gods must have been smiling down." And that was the beginning of the hit track that would jump up Billboard's Hot Dance Club Chart to #26.

Ready for the Remix

Inevitably to large-market the appeal of the new song, it was important to get the right remixes together. This did not go unnoticed to Kelli, who for such a young talent was very keen to having "Gave Up On Love" The Remixes readily appeal to a broad variety of listeners -- both her radio audience and club kids. "That's the key word -- variety," she insists. "That's exactly what I hoped for -- I didn't want the song to get pigeon-holed in any way. I wanted to attract many different tastes. I find something special in every single one of the remixes."

Where some artists are grateful to have 4 or 5 remix producers deliver their take on a track, Kelli's "Gave Up On Love" has nearly a dozen successful re-workings. From Tony Moran & Warren Rigg's club-thumper, to the relentless synth of Dirty Vici's take, the ambient house-trance styling of the Full Intention Vocal, and the expertly atmospheric S.T.F.U. Remix -- this is a song for the ages.

Not Thinking Twice...

The result has been a hit pop track that zoomed up the dance chart, yet managed to retain the genuine spirit of the artist that penned it. Kelli delivers a track that is fun and feisty. "Gave Up On Love" relates the angst and exuberant joy of every teenage girl (and boy) who's heart has been broken. It's an exciting introduction to an artist on a path worth keeping an eye and ear on.

"It's a great learning experience for me," she says about the effort she's putting into her music and career. "Everything takes time and work. This is my music and it's gonna have my name on it -- that's important to me. It's a priority." And after battling her own insecurities Kelli is ready to take this even further.

"I spent a few years of my life hiding from performing." It's in that revelatory moment that Kelli youthful vulnerability becomes the most apparent -- admitting her own fears is reminiscent of what every young person her age is feeling. "I couldn't act like myself." But it's how well she handled a fear that could have paralyzed her, and instead supercharged her desire to become a singer. "If you can't be yourself, you can't appreciate the gifts you have. You have to put yourself out there."

With her new provocatively charged music video for the single. Kelli is poised to leave the gossipy prep school image behind and move full-throttle into pop-superstardom with the support of "her gays" right beside her. "As an artist I'm very sensitive about what I do, but the support that I get from a gay audience is unlike anything," she cheeringly smiles. "It's inspiring and you want to give more."

"Gave Up On Love" is only the beginning. Kelli's new single is already in the works and an EP is set for release soon.

by JC Alvarez

Native New Yorker JC Alvarez is a pop-culture enthusiast and the nightlife chronicler of the club scene and its celebrity denizens from coast-to-coast. He is the on-air host of the nationally syndicated radio show "Out Loud & Live!" and is also on the panel of the local-access talk show "Talking About".

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